Comes from the Sil Lum
(Mandarin Shaolin) tradition in the Guangdong providence of China. The art
was developed at the Kwangtung Temple and then was moved to the Hoi Tung
Temple when the former was burned down during the Ching Dynasty. The dates
are not known, as the only living person, Kong Hoi (surname given first as
in Chinese tradition), studied at the Hoi Tung Temple in the early 20th
century. |
Lai Tung Pai is a Shaolin
style of martial art. Both external and internal in nature, Lai Tung Pai has
several forms that are to be done with external and/or internal power
control.The style is manly a short fist style similar to Wing Chun.
Lai Tung forms are short (24 to 36 moves) with the exception of the Kung
Jong form that consists of over 300 moves. The style also performs the
traditional Shaolin weapons (staff, broadsword, butterfly knives etc.), and
uses several Muk Yan Jong.
The Muk Yan Jong is a wooden dummy used in Chinese martial arts training. It
is associated with the martial art of Wing Chun and other kung fu styles of
Southern China. Traditionally made from wood, the dummies are now also made
from modern constructs such as steel and plastic. |