Black Crane Kung fu is the second art of style
developed by the Shaolin temple. Specifically, Dr. Hua T'o, a physician of
the Han dynasty developed the art through exercises consisting of animal
movements that were used into improve health.
Along with that came the evolution of
spirit and character. The style is beneficial towards those with tall
heights because of the techniques involved with it. The movements were of
the Snake, Tiger, and Ancient Bird styles.
An enhancement to the style was made during
the 1600s that introduced grappling or "Ch'in Na" to the style. With the
addition of Ch'in Na, the foundation of Jiujitsu was formulated. The
influence of Ch'in Na was important due to how much it associated with each
style. |
The opposing, White
Crane, style has developed the use of Ch'in Na to a higher caliber as well
as the Tiger and Eagle styles. The White Crane has innovated Ch'in Na
through the addition of White Crane techniques, which was more than half of
its extension along with the twenty new forms of the new integration. Since
1968, the forms have only existed in 4 forms, 8 eight from the original 20.
The current four forms are as noted: The first being unnamed, the second as
"Crane Leaving the Marsh," the third as "Synthetic Fist Form," and the
fourth as "Defending the Four Angles." |