In competitive or competition savate which includes Assault, Pre-Combat, and
Combat types, there are only four kinds of kicks allowed along with four
kinds of punches allowed:
fouetté (literally "whip", roundhouse kick making contact with the instep),
high (figure), medium (median) or low (bas)
chassé (side or front piston-action kick), high (figure), medium (median) or
low (bas)
revers (frontal or lateral "reverse" or hooking kick making contact with the
sole of the shoe), high (figure), medium (median), or low (bas)
coup de pied bas ("low kick", a front or sweep kick to the shin making
contact with the inner edge of the shoe, performed with a characteristic
backwards lean) low only
direct bras avant (jab, lead hand)
direct bras arrière (cross, rear hand)
crochet (hook, bent arm with either hand)
uppercut (either hand)
Savate did not begin as a sport, but as a form of self-defence and fought on
the streets of Paris and Marseille. This type of Savate was known as Savate
de Rue. In addition to kicks and punches, training in Savate de Rue (Savate
Defense) includes knee, shin and elbow strikes along with locks, sweeps,
throws, headbutts, and takedowns.
For Savate de Rue there are 2 additional kicks:
chassé italien (aimed at the opponent's inner thigh, with the toe pointed at
the opponent's groin. Contrast the chassé bas lateral, which targets the
front of the thigh.)
revers (frontal or lateral "reverse" or hooking kick making contact with the
sole of the shoe), high (figure), medium (median), or low (bas)
coup de pied bas de frappe (coup de pied bas which is used to strike the
opponent's lead leg) |