Originating in the Holy Roman
Empire during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. It employed all ranges of
fighting, from striking to ground-fighting, and included joint-locks,
leverage throws, pain compliance grips, and various striking techniques. By
modern definitions, it would be considered a hybrid martial art. It is
closely related to historical dagger-fighting systems and some
dagger-fighting might be considered to be a branch of kampfringen. |
Kampfringen disappeared around
the 18th century, as fencing lost all relevance to battle and self-defense
and became focused on the ritual duel. Striking and grappling were
considered dishonorable in this context, and so there was little need to
learn such techniques. New systems of wrestling were developed for sport
purposes, but have no connection to the ancient art. Kampfringen is
currently being revived along with other historical fighting systems by
organizations around the world. |