Won-Hwa-Do's roots lay also in
the ancient circular motion called Bi-Son (Bi-Son = empty, circularly moving
hand). The origin of Bi-Son is the praying position (hands together in front
of the chest), widely used throughout the world for centuries. Won-Hwa-Do
with its natural movements has been developed from these elements. The
organization has been systemized and in 1972 Won-Hwa-Do was given its now
existing name by the Grand Master Han Bon Gi, who still teaches in Korea. |
The basic movements
are the circle or 'Bi-Son'. In Won-Hwa-Do the circle or sphere is being used
in all possible angles. The circle can be modified in volume, distance,
speed and direction (vertical, horizontal, diagonal) in connection to attack
and defense. This circle is applied in hitting, kicking, twisting, locking,
throwing and weapon techniques (eg. sword, long and short stick). Won-Hwa-Do
is suitable for anyone, whether male or female, young or old, in good shape
or not. All movements are circular, and therefore, the joints do not suffer
from unnecessary strain. Basic training includes the study of the four
cardinal points, which help to learn the right way to move and to understand
and use the circle. |