Haganah, an Israeli system developed by Israeli Special Forces veteran and
world-class martial artist, Mike Lee Kanarek, is practical, can be learned
by just about anyone in any condition in just a few months, and can be
completely absorbed quickly. Haganah's philosophy is that no one has the
right to touch you with malicious intent and anyone who does should be dealt
with immediately and aggressively to enable you to be safe and secure at the
end of the day.
Haganah system evolved from these military beginnings adapting armed and
unarmed tactics for civilian needs. It is based around two major components.
Fierce Israeli Guerrila Hand-to-hand Tactics(FIGHT) and Israeli Tactical
Knife and Combat Shooting and is constantly updated to keep up with the
ever-changing face of warfare.The basic principles are to 'avoid','escape'
and 'demolish'.If a situation can be avoided then it should be, the next
recourse is to escape and if neither option is viable practitioners are
urged to incapacitate their opponent.If forced to fight there are no rules
and no limits.