The World Multi Martial Arts Hall Of Fame (T.W.M.M.A.H.O.F) |

Founded by Professor Enrico Moore. Soke Solly Said is the first African & South African to be inducted into The World Multi Martial Arts Hall Of Fame (T.W.M.M.A.H.O.F). Soke Solly is also the continental head of TWMMAHOF for Africa.
Professor Moore with Soke Solly Said at the induction ceremony to the TWMMAHOF in Cleveland Ohio USA on 2nd September 2006
International Karate And Kobudo Association (I.K.K.A) |
The IKKA was founded by Soke Solly Said & Shihan Imtiaz Abdulla of The KenshiKai Karate. |
 The IKKA is a body of Shihankai (Masters). The following masters are also members of the IKKA.
Hanshi Olen Lane of Ithaca- New York - USA - Seishi Karate

Shihan Newton James of Orlando - Florida - USA |