When you first walk into a dojo, you notice that the
students are wearing white uniforms and belts of various colors. You may
wonder what is the significance of the different color belts. The belt
colors signify the approximate Martial Art skill levels of the wearers.
Colored belts signify the position/rank of each student in the dojo
hierarchy. The higher the belt/rank, the higher the position, and the more
respect deserved. After years of studying and training, a student may reach
the top of the belt/rank hierarchy, the black belt level. Since rank is
awarded based on tenure, performing certain minimum skills, and on making
substantial personal improvement, it is a more a social and psychological
status than it is an indicator of fighting ability. A higher rank many times
indicates the person has higher tenure in the dojo/organization, not
necessarily that the person has a higher skill level than persons of lower
rank. Skill level does not always equate to rank. Just because a young brown
belt may be able to consistently beat an older student while sparring, it
does not demean the student nor raise the brown belt's esteem.
While the goal of each student in Martial Arts is self improvement, the belt
in some forms of it offers the student a way to display their efforts to the
other students. It is also designed to help students engage in fair sparing
activities. To respect the culture of Martial Arts, it is important that you
wear the belt properly.
How to tie the belt (Obi) |
1)Hold belt at its center, ends even, with stripes (if you
have them) on the left side. |
2)Place center of belt on front center of jacket, about one
inch below the naval (a location called the tanden). Wrap belt around your
waist, crossing the right side over the left side at center of the back.
Stripes will now be on your right side. Pull ends of belt forward and adjust
so the ends are even. |
3)Lay the left side of belt over the tanden. Lay the right
side of belt across the tanden. Stripes will now be on your left side. |
4)Slide the left side of belt (striped side) under and behind
all the belt layers at the tanden. Stripes will still be on your left side. |
5)Loop |
6)Bring left (striped) end of belt down and over the front of
the U |
7)Loop striped end under and up through the U shape to form a
knot. |
8)Pull ends of belt outward to tighten knot. Stripes will be
on your right side. |
9)Adjust knot so the ends of belt are even and hang neatly. |
Never let a white belt get dingy or dirty. The belt needs to be tied firmly
above the hip bones. Make sure it is loose enough to move during your
activities but tight enough to stay in place. The ends of the belt hanging
on both sides need to be even. This can take time to learn so practice
finding the amount of material needed to tie it. Some people place a small
marker on the inside of the belt to find the location easily. The belt
should never be allowed to cross itself in the back. Never let your belt
touch the floor.
Having the proper respect for the Martial Arts includes honoring the belt
color system. Never wear a belt for a level of skill you have not
accomplished. This is considered to be dishonorable. Your instructor will
help you learn to tie your belts properly. Enjoy learning about Martial
Arts, improving your skills, and proving you are worthy of a higher ranking
belt. |
Kyu (級) is a Japanese term used in martial arts
and in other similar activities to designate various grades or levels of
proficiency or experience.
In Japanese martial arts, kyū-level practitioners hold the ranks below dan
or black belt. The kyu ranking system varies from art to art and school to
school. In some arts, all the kyu-level practitioners wear white belts while
in others different coloured belts, tags or stripes are used; in kendo and
aikido there are not usually external indicators of grade. Although some
aikido schools do use a coloured belt system the norm is for kyu grades to
wear a white belt, and for dan grades to wear a black belt.
Kyu-level practitioners are often called mudansha (無段者), "ones without dan"
and are considered as initiates rather than students. When practitioners
have reached the ranking of first degree black belt, they become shodansha
(初段者). The holder of a black belt of any degree is a yūdansha (有段者), "one
with dan". |
10 |
Jūkyū |
十級:じゅうきゅう |
White Belt |
9 |
Kukyū |
九級:くきゅう |
Advanced White Belt |
8 |
Hachikyū |
八級:はちきゅう |
Blue Belt |
7 |
Nanakyū, Shichikyū |
七級:ななきゅう |
Advance Blue Belt |
6 |
Rokkyū |
六級:ろっきゅう |
Yellow Belt |
5 |
Gokyū |
五級:ごきゅう |
Advance Yellow Belt |
4 |
Yonkyū |
四級:よんきゅう |
Green Belt |
3 |
Sankyū |
三級:さんきゅう |
Advance Green Belt |
2 |
Nikyū |
二級:にきゅう |
Brown Belt |
1 |
Ikkyū |
一級:いっきゅう |
Advance Brown Belt |
In some styles, students wear white belts until they receive
their first dan rank or black belt, while in others a range of color is used
for different kyū grades. The wearing of coloured belts is often associated
with kyū ranks, particularly in modern martial arts such as karate and judo
(where the practice originated). However, there is no standard association
of belt colours with particular ranks and, different schools and
organizations assign colours independently, see judo for examples of
variation within an art. However, white is often the lowest ranked belt and
brown is the highest kyū rank, and it is common to see the darker colors
associated with the higher ranks, i.e the closest to black belt.
The system of using different colored belts to mark rank is not universally
accepted in the martial arts, some seeing colored belts as frivolous, as
anyone without at least a first-level black belt is still very much learning
the basics. Supporters point out the use as a simple visual key for
experience, such as in matching opponents for sparring, allowing opponents
to somewhat accurately judge each other's skill, and to split them for
Those who oppose the use of coloured belts are also often concerned that
students will worry too much about relative rank, and become arrogant with
trivial promotions and differences, while supporters feel that by providing
small signs of success and recognition, students are more confident, and
their training is more structured, and that the ranking system encourages
higher ranked students to assist lower ranked ones, and lower ranked
students to respect their seniors.
In some arts and schools there is the (often only half-serious, though
equally often rigorous) opinion that the belt should not be washed; the idea
that by doing that one would "wash away the knowledge" or "wash one's Qi
away" might be related to this myth. Apart from risk of the dye running,
there is the problem that as most modern belts are made with a cotton or
nylon outer shell, but polyester batting and stitching to fill out the belt,
the different shrinkage of cotton and polyester in hot water could cause the
belt to come apart.
Warning: a black belt is only a black
belt—your rank is your Dan or Kyu rank. Anyone one can buy a belt that’s
black. It’s like putting a title of DR. in front of your name and claiming
to be an actual DR. You only become a DR. by having the diploma from an
accredited medical school to prove it. This is true of every college degree.
The martial arts world is full of people claiming "black belt" rank who have
never heard of the Dan and Kyu rankings, and instructors claiming to be an
"instructor" without anyone's certification or recognition of such.
Remember: A Black Belt is only a piece
of colored cloth. Your actual rank or “grade” is your authentic
diploma—properly awarding a Dan or Kyu rank which is the universally
accepted standard by all major systems: Japanese, Korean and Okinawan.
The Chinese have their own ranking system, however they have had to accept
the "karate" standard for rank. This is shown when they put anyone in
competition and they must place their student according to "belt rank". As a
matter of fact, many Chinese systems have now adopted the colored belt
system. |
SHO-GO (Master - Title System ) DAN/DEGREE |
1 |
Senior |
Shodan |
初段:しょだん |
1st Dan (Black Belt) |
2 |
Nidan |
二段:にだん |
2nd Dan (Black Belt) |
3 |
Sandan |
三段:さんだん |
3rd Dan (Black Belt) |
4 |
Polished Instructor |
Teacher |
Yondan |
四段:よだん |
4th Dan (Black Belt) |
5 |
Professor |
Godan |
五段:ごだん |
5th Dan (Black Belt)or Red/Black Sections |
6 |
Master Instructor |
Rokudan |
六段:ろくだん |
6th Dan (Black Belt)or Red/Black Sections |
7 |
主席 |
Chief Master Instructor |
Shichidan |
七段:ななだん |
7th Dan (Black Belt)or Red/White Sections |
8 |
Senior/Grand Master |
Hachidan |
八段:はちだん |
8th Dan (Black Belt)or Red/White Sections |
9 |
Kudan |
九段:きゅうだん |
9th Dan (Black Belt)or Red |
10 |
Judan |
十段:じゅうだん |
10th Dan (Black Belt)or Red |
The difference between Shihan & Hanshi The "shi" in shihan
means teacher or master. The "shi" that's used in hanshi means (gentle)man,
samurai or warrior, or scholar.Hanshi is also "teacher of teachers"
Japanese uses a broad array of honorific suffixes for
addressing or referring to people. These honorifics are gender-neutral and
can be attached to first names as well as surnames.
When addressing or referring to someone by name in Japanese, an honorific
suffix is usually used with the name. Dropping the honorific implies a high
degree of intimacy and is reserved for one's lover, younger family members,
and very close friends, although within sports teams or among classmates it
can be acceptable to use family names without honorifics. When referring to
a third person, honorifics are used except when referring to one's family
members while talking to a non-family-member, or when referring to a member
of one's company while talking to a customer or someone from another
company. Honorifics are not used to refer to oneself, except to be arrogant
(see ore-sama, below), to be cute (see chan), or sometimes when talking to
small children, to teach them how to address the speaker
Kōhai (後輩) is a junior, the reverse of
senpai, but it is not normally used as an honorific.
Shidōin (指導員:しどういん), intermediate
instructor, also unrelated to grade.
Shishō (師匠 : ししょう) is another title used
for martial arts instructors.
Senpai (先輩) is used to address or refer to one's senior
colleagues in a school, company, sports club, or other group. So at school,
the students in higher grades than oneself are senpai. Students of the same
or lower grade are not senpai, nor are teachers. In a business environment,
colleagues with more experience are senpai, but one's boss is not a senpai.
Like "Doctor" in English, senpai can be used by itself as well as with a
Sensei (先生) (literally meaning "born
before me") is used to refer to or address teachers, doctors, politicians
and other authority figures. It is used to show respect to someone who has
achieved a certain level of mastery in an art form or some other skill, and
is also applied to novelists, poets, painters, and other artists, including
manga artists. In Japanese martial arts, sensei typically refers to someone
who is the head of a dojo. As with senpai, sensei can be used not only as a
suffix, but also as a stand-alone title.
Renshi (錬士: れん): Ren means "polished,
tempered" and shi means person.
Kyōshi (教士: きょうし) mean Professor or
philosophy.Therefore Kyoshi equals a professor capable of teaching the
philosophy of the martial arts.
Kyōshi (教師 : きょうし), which in everyday Japanese can be a more modest synonym
for sensei, is sometimes used to indicate an instructor.
Shihan (師範 : しはん), merely means chief
instructor; unlike the titles above it is not related to grade. (In the
Isshin-ryū school of karate-do, Shihan is used to refer to 5th degree black
belts or higher.)
Hanshi (範士 : はんし) The Han means
'example, model' and indicates ' a teacher that can serve as an ideal model
fore others.It also refers to a senior expert considered a "teacher of
teachers". This title is used by many different arts for the top few
instructors of that style, and is sometimes translated "Senior Master" or
even "Grand Master".
Soke: The head of a family (such as a
patriach) or "originator". This meaning the person who formed the particular
martial art style
In the Japanese martial arts, the further subdivisions of black belt ranks
are called dan grades where higher numbers means higher rank. Yūdansha
(roughly translating from Japanese to "person who holds a black belt")
describe those who hold a black belt rank. While the belt remains black,
stripes or other insignia can be added to denote seniority. In some arts,
very senior dan grades will wear differently colored belts such as in judo
and some forms of karate where a fifth dan will wear a red and white belt,
which becomes red only at even higher ranks.
In contrast to the "black belt as master" stereotype, a black belt commonly
indicates the wearer is competent in a style's basic technique and
principles.Since in many styles a black belt takes approximately three to
six years of training to achieve, a good intuitive analogy would be a
bachelor's degree: the student has a good understanding of concepts and
ability to use them but has not yet perfected their skills. In this analogy
a master's degree and a doctorate would represent advancement past the first
Another way to describe this links to the terms used in Japanese arts;
shodan (for a first degree black belt), means literally the first/beginning
step, and the next grades, nidan and sandan are each numbered as "ni" is two
and "san" is three, meaning second step, third step, etc. The shodan black
belt is not the end of training but rather as a beginning to advanced
learning: the individual now "knows how to walk" and may thus begin the
"journey". |
Something about the martial arts encourages myths and legends. Perhaps it's
the questionable "history" of the arts themselves, or the adventure-seeking
nature of many of its practitioners. Whatever the reason, this tendency
toward grandiose fact bending is nowhere more evident than in the various
explanations for our belt system. One of the most common myths—told and
repeated by many "authorities"—is that in days of old all students started
by wearing white belts, which eventually turned brown from use and dirt and
at some magical point beyond that, turned black.
All you need to do is observe the
well-worn belt of a high-ranking Black Belt to see through this fantasy. In
fact the reverse is more likely true — look at that black belt and you will
notice it is almost white where use has made it threadbare; even the black
dye has been reduced to white. A white belt would wear out before it ever
turned black.
Another misconception is that the belt system in the Martial Arts originated
with Judo. Like so many of our accepted myths, this one has a grain of
truth: most martial arts systems do copy their current belt systems from
Judo, but the belt system did not originate with Judo. When Professor Jigoro
Kano developed Judo (The "Gentle Way" or "Art") he didn't have to look far
to come up with the ranking system. He simply borrowed the system in use at
the Japanese public schools where belt ranks (obi in Japanese) were used by
different athletic departments, most notably for ranking swimmers.
The use of belt ranking for the swimmers is deeply rooted in Japan's martial
arts mystique. Japan is a small country surrounded by water. The entire
country is a maze of rivers, streams and lakes, surrounded by the sea.
Throughout Japanese history these waterways were inevitably crossed and
re-crossed by warring factions, as countless important battles took place
there or near the expanses of open water which separated one island from
another or the different islands from the sea. |
How to Fold the gi |